
Showing posts from October, 2023

Week 11-Imbali

Monday: We had one lesson today and then headed to Zone Council in Hillcrest. At zone council we discussed the vision for our zone which is "Servants of the Most High God". After that we had pizza and played some soccer, I also got to talk more with Elder Bender, likely one of the greatest missionaries of this generation. He took me to do my driving test so now I'm allowed to drive and be the designated driver. I also got a Springboks (South Africa Rugby (Kinda like football) team) hat from the mall in Hillcrest. Tuesday: First day really trying to apply our new vision. The morning was ok, had a couple lessons, tried Kota (not a fan 🤮) but in the afternoon I sat with Elder Magot and said, "alright, we know we're here on the Lords errand, let's act like it" and started being super bold. One person we let them know that God had sent us with the keys to their salvation, and they let us in to teach a lesson. Another was about to send us away, and I told the

Week 10-Imbali

Good Morning everybody! (And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night) I've been writing my days the day of so this is going to be a lot easier Tuesday: First day of new transfer!! Walking isn't fun. I hope we get bikes soon because my feets are not enjoying the walking. It also rained in the morning so I was also wet. Because our planner isn't working right now, we had to tract all day just looking for old members, so overall not the best day 😂 Wednesday: More walking..:) Better than yesterday though, we had DC so we only tracted for half the day, and we were able to find more interested people than last time as well as check on some more less active members. We also are able to sign into our planner again which is nice. It turns out umbrellas are great for walking around in the sun, everyone in KZN does it, 10/10 would recommend. I was also bouncing a ball as I walked, and it ended up going through someone's gate… we had to knock on th

Week 9, Imbali

Hiyas,  So it turns out remembering a week all in one sitting is a little difficult for ADHD brain, and I've had some complaints that I'm not writing enough (*cough cough* dad *cough cough*), so starting this coming week I'll type my says up day of and post them all on Mondays.  This was technically the last week of my first transfer but it doesn't even feel like it. Time flies when you're having fun and preaching the word I guess. This week I've noticed that the spirit has been with us a lot more, I think conference supercharged us to be more in tune with the Holy Ghost. Tuesday we sadly had to drop someone due to them not progressing. It's super hard to tell yourself and your friend that you won't be visiting them anymore, but the gospel of Jesus Christ is too important and our time on mission is too short to work with people who aren't willing to work with us. After that though, each discussion we had was fire, super strong spirit in the rooms and

Week 8-The continents not gonna change so let's go with Imbali

Hiya folks, Weeks a week so let's get started Tuesday: I felt sick that morning but I felt better by lunch. We met with this lady who  is super powerful, including yesterday she's been 3 Sundays. I think we could get her on date by the next post which is super cool. Wednesday: DC (District Council), which is always fun, and we went to Burger King afterwards. Nothing super special except maybe one person who we half committed to baptism. Thursday: Kinda tough, lotta bunks, that's about it Friday: Friday sucked, I just felt like nothing was going right. We had amagwinya, which is kinda like a fried ball of dough about the size of a softball, which is OK, but I would not recommend one before tracting in 95 degree heat... we had one lesson with a guy that was super spiritual, but overall the roughest day I've had so far. Saturday: Way better than Friday, I got my schedule all sorted out to start my mornings off better which helped a lot. We set up conference to watch on Sat

Week 7-Africa

Hiya folks, Another week has passed, so let's talk about it. We've had a lot of bunks this week (people who don't show for lessons) so there's not too muck to write about. Tracting is fine until it's not, it's also not fun when it's super hot outside and your area is full of hills... One good thing that came from tracting was yesterday when elder Magot just felt to go to a certain place and we met a family that seemed really interested in our message. It was cool to see the spirit's hand at work. When we met with Amahle this week we discussed the law of tithing, and she was just like "yeah, that makes sense". It's great when people just understand the topic and are willing to live it. One other thing that happened was on Saturday.  We ran into the drunk guy (for reference, see last week) affectionately known as Basher again. We were there for the appointment we were trying to have last week, and he saw us from across the street. We went &qu