Week 7-Africa

Hiya folks,
Another week has passed, so let's talk about it. We've had a lot of bunks this week (people who don't show for lessons) so there's not too muck to write about. Tracting is fine until it's not, it's also not fun when it's super hot outside and your area is full of hills... One good thing that came from tracting was yesterday when elder Magot just felt to go to a certain place and we met a family that seemed really interested in our message. It was cool to see the spirit's hand at work.
When we met with Amahle this week we discussed the law of tithing, and she was just like "yeah, that makes sense". It's great when people just understand the topic and are willing to live it.
One other thing that happened was on Saturday.  We ran into the drunk guy (for reference, see last week) affectionately known as Basher again. We were there for the appointment we were trying to have last week, and he saw us from across the street. We went "aw great, this guy again" and were getting ready to have another argument when he said "I never thought I'd see you again." Elder Kearl, an absolute legend, said "Yeah, we didn't think we would either." He proceeded to tell us about how he came from a life of drugs and the whole he was trying to see if we would come back. He's going to durban and asked for the address of the temple there. He's probably bogus, but the mood was definitely diffeIrent this time when we talked to him, and I was able to see how important consistency was. The lesson we had after was pretty good too, even if it stretched a little past our curfew 😅
We also went to the temple this week! It's not as big as the Temple in Provo but is a little bigger than Baton Rouge Temple, even has two floors. It's a beautiful temple, it's a shame that it's so underused. I can testify that the temple truly is the house of the Lord and all who have the opportunity should go as much as then can, you really can't feel the spirit the same anywhere else. I also got to go to the distribution center and get the Saints Books, which I am thoroughly enjoying.
Tune in next week for more, love y'all!
Pictures from the temple


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