Week 8-The continents not gonna change so let's go with Imbali

Hiya folks,
Weeks a week so let's get started
Tuesday: I felt sick that morning but I felt better by lunch. We met with this lady who  is super powerful, including yesterday she's been 3 Sundays. I think we could get her on date by the next post which is super cool.
Wednesday: DC (District Council), which is always fun, and we went to Burger King afterwards. Nothing super special except maybe one person who we half committed to baptism.
Thursday: Kinda tough, lotta bunks, that's about it
Friday: Friday sucked, I just felt like nothing was going right. We had amagwinya, which is kinda like a fried ball of dough about the size of a softball, which is OK, but I would not recommend one before tracting in 95 degree heat... we had one lesson with a guy that was super spiritual, but overall the roughest day I've had so far.
Saturday: Way better than Friday, I got my schedule all sorted out to start my mornings off better which helped a lot. We set up conference to watch on Saturday but had to go because we had lessons. We met with the clerk who's a super cool RM, talked about his testimony of the BoM.
Sunday: Conference is severely underrated. It was awesome to watch prophets of the Lord speak to us. President Nelson's talk, Think Celestial, fire. I recommend everyone watch it and pay attention to the things he says. We watched it and were super energized to preach the gospel. We taught a family who is super powerful. Overall a great day.
Monday: played golf, not good, played soccer, not good.

Spiritual thought: God appreciates it when you put in effort, whether it's making a schedule or going to house after house, even if they all reject you. You gotta just swing, swing, swing, (Reference to the Ricciardi letter, super great letter about missionary work)

Talk again next week
Shap ✌️


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