Week 10-Imbali

Good Morning everybody! (And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night)
I've been writing my days the day of so this is going to be a lot easier

Tuesday: First day of new transfer!! Walking isn't fun. I hope we get bikes soon because my feets are not enjoying the walking. It also rained in the morning so I was also wet. Because our planner isn't working right now, we had to tract all day just looking for old members, so overall not the best day 😂

Wednesday: More walking..:) Better than yesterday though, we had DC so we only tracted for half the day, and we were able to find more interested people than last time as well as check on some more less active members. We also are able to sign into our planner again which is nice. It turns out umbrellas are great for walking around in the sun, everyone in KZN does it, 10/10 would recommend. I was also bouncing a ball as I walked, and it ended up going through someone's gate… we had to knock on their gate for like 5 minutes before they came out so I could ask if I could have my ball back. They did give it back though. 😎

Thursday: Super boring day. We got access to odur planner back again, so we had 3 lessons in the morning but in the afternoon Elder Magot got sick so I had to chill at the chapel while he rested. I passed the time by practicing piano more (still not very good) bounced my ball, lost my ball, went on an adventure to obtain said lost ball, and listening to talks. I listened to a good one from Elder Holland called "The Inconvenient Messiah". Powerful reminder that nothing was ever easy for Christ so it's not always going to be easy for any of us. Elder Dlamini helped make spaghetti, but I think I would have preferred doing it on my own, it was very spicy and you couldn't taste much of the sauce. But he's incorporating more vegetables in our diet so that's good I suppose…

Friday: Stuck in the boarding while Elder Magot recovered, nothing to report

Saturday: Worked with our Relief Society and Elders Quorum to organize coordination between us and the branch. Even if you have the best missionaries in the world, they can't do much if the branch or ward isn't working with them to improve. After that we participated in institute with the YSA (Young Single Adults) in the ward and talked about Theselonnians. After that we tracted an area more and met 3 people who we think we can start teaching. I've found that the less I think about what I'm going to say the more the Lord will guide me to what I need to say, definitely an adjustment from what I'm used to.

Sunday: Sacrament attendance was kinda low, since it was storming this morning. But the Father of an investigating family came today, and it was wonderful to see him, he said he enjoyed it and really felt a sense of peace there. We met with his family afterwards, they're super powerful! With an investigators baptism coming up, we're trying to get as many friends to come as possible, because the spirit can be super strong at a baptismal program. Also got a surprise call from our zone leader, Elder Bender, tonight. He totally meant to call Elder Kearl, who is currently our district leader, but it's always great to hear from Elder Bender. He's one of those people who can put a smile on your face just from talking to you.

Miss y'all! Make sure you're making constant efforts to draw yourself closer to God 😇

Gospel's True
Elder Rodrigue
Me and my trainer Elder Magot
We found a bridge
Us mentally preparing for our next lesson after our first day of walking 🚶‍♂️ 


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