Week 49 - Que-Molweni??


Monday: It was supposed to be Zone P-Day, but due to a severe lack of funds we had to cancel it. We did go to the mission office to grab supplies and then went to Pavilion to play bowling though, which was super fun.

Tuesday: We went to see Sister Zethu as always, then we went up to Mosely, visited David and gave him a Portuguese copy of the Book of Mormon, and visited Sianne for the first time in forever. It was Robyn’s birthday so we got her a toy gun. We got a call from President though. Due to some missionaries finishing their mission before the end of the transfer, President had to make some adjustments, which involved me leaving Queens and going to Molweni, a township near Hillcrest. Oh, and this is all happening tomorrow. So we made dinner for Mamma one last time and stayed up all night cleaning and packing.

Wednesday: We went and got lunch at Capris one last time, I helped Elder Heslop prepare for the Gospel Principles class this Saturday instead of Friday to see if we would get more attendance (something I will not get to see the fruits of) visited Sister Praise to say goodbye to them and the Gumbis, as well as Neuwe, Rinah, and Bishop. After that we went home, tidied up a few last things, and hamba’ed to Molweni. Got there, bought tings to eat, and slept.

Thursday: First day in Molweni, and actually my first busy day in a while. But see the issue with townships is, you can meet with a lot of people, but very few of them will actually progress, it’s just their culture to be welcoming. I also found out that there’s quite the amount of work to do in Molweni, as it’s actually only qualifying to be a group. And a lot of our New Members are already less active, so I definitely have my work cut out for me.

Friday: We had a pretty full day but a lot of our appointments bunked us, so we did some finding and then later in the evening we were invited to go to a DA in hillcrest with someone who’s daughter is about to leave on mission, and they were super cool.

Saturday: We were actually pretty packed today, starting our day at 9 and having a lesson every hour! Except that a lot of the appointments bunked again (I think I may be cursed) we did have another DA though, which was nice. I did have a nice surprise though. Elder Heslop sent me a picture of a full Gospel Principles class, something we had been working toward for a while now. And when they took the picture, instead of saying "Cheese", they said "Rodrigue". Queensburgh was definitely a tough area, but they have some of the most incredible members, and I will miss them dearly.

Sunday: Sunday was actually pretty good. When I came to the area I also inherited Elder King’s talk for Sunday, but it went pretty well. I talked a lot about adversity (a subject I know a decent bit about right now), and though I once again do not understand our second hour due to it being in Zulu, it was still a really good Sunday. We even went to the O’Moore’s, the stake first counselor and his family, for a DA and it was really nice. You can really tell when a family is rooted in the gospel because you can enter their home and feel the spirit. I hope that when I have a family of my own, I can cultivate that same spirit.

That’s all folks. This week was actually pretty tough emotionally, but there is a scripture that comes to mind. 1 Corinthians 10:13, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” The Lord will give us challenges, but they will never be more than that which we can bear, and he will always provide a way out so long as we trust in him. Have a Great Week. ✌🏼 


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