Week 39 - Queens


Hello everyone, it's me again, ready for another 6 weeks in the best area in the mission, Queensburgh

Monday: Our final Zone P-Day with Elders Lowe, Christiansen, Hall, Mofokeng, and Reverado. We went over to Victoria Street, which is basically a big market to buy South African things, and, you guessed it, sportsball!!!!! After that we got to go home, go back to Mayville, and go home again.

Tuesday: We started the Elder Lowe farewell tour, where we go and visit everyone Elder Lowe wants to take pictures with. Today we visited Sianne, and Brother Dave, and we also fed some monkeys Rusks (think really hard cookie in the shape of a rectangular prism)

Wednesday: Final district council with Elder Lowe, then we met a member for lunch and visited the Misselhorns, Sister Olivia, and Sister Maria. We also got our transfer news! We found out that Elder Pereira will actually be going home for surgery, Elder Lowe will be going to Molweni, and my new companion will be Elder Heslop, a ZL from Ladysmith. 

Thursday: We did some cleaning and packing, then we went to Visit Michelle and her kids as well as Non-member Praise's kids. After that we went to see Brother Carlo and Sister Sam, and then went to see Sister Praise. Burger King also opened near us, which was hype, we got it twice today.

Friday: We were with Elder Traver today, since Elder Perera had to fly home. But that meant we also had a car today!!! We went and visited the Van Heerdens, the Rieckhoffs, and Sister Anna. We also did more cleaning.

Saturday: Elder Lowe's last day in the area. We went to visit Bishop, Sister Praise again, then we went and transferred. Elder Heslop and I got Kurger Bing, and discussed the area

Sunday: We had Stake Conference today, which was awesome because I got to see some of my Imbali people. After that we visited some friends and discussed our area more.

Good to talk with everyone again, hope everyone has a great week!!



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