Week 47 - Quěens (Evil E)

Monday: Surprisingly busy P-Day. We had correlation council, then we had to walk one of the kids in our ward back to his house. We afterwards passed out, went shopping, and then went to the chapel.  

Tuesday: We visited one of our new-members, Sister Zethu, and taught her about prayer. After that, our day was pretty empty. We did some finding, and worked on our lesson for our gospel principles class.

Wednesday: District Council has actually been moved to Thursdays so that the ZLs can come every other week, so we had a meeting with our EQP about helping him with his Elders Quorum activity. After lunch we took ze train to Northdene, got bunked, and as we were talking to him we saw the train head back towards Malvern, which meant the train wouldn't be back for a couple hours. We did some finding and got some snacks at the Checkers for the ride back, only to not eat them because the train station was actually pretty sketch, and it was dark out so we didn't want to make it look like we had snack money. But it's a good thing we didn't eat them because we had forgotten we had ward council, so they did not go to waste 😋

Thursday: Nothing in particular much, we did watch Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration, with one of our friends, which was really nice. It's hard not to feel the spirit when you're learning about the restoration of the restored Gospel and the Prophet Joseph

Friday: We met with a friend to answer soke of her questions as well as an old Afrikaans couple and Erika and Ryan, the less active and her boyfriend. We also had our Gospel Principles class which had our largest in person attendance yet (I think it was due to the apple juice)!

Saturday: We tidied our flat for inspections, and went to see a Book of Mormon referral, which turned out to be a really cool family who is interested in learning more and doesn't have a church to attend. Afterwards I successfully visited all the malls in the area by going to southway mall, right at the edge of our area. Afterwards we saw Sister Olivia, then Brother Dave

Sunday: We had a really good Fast and Testimony Meeting. Sister Zethu bore her testimony which was incredibly powerful. It's been wonderful to be able to watch her conversion to the gospel and her testimony of the church and the Book of Mormon grow. We taught the Sunday School lesson (of course they got the missionaries to teach Alma 17-22) and helped Sister Praise make cookies after Church, which I don't recommend doing while fasting. Sister Praise has also asked that I acknowledge her as a ray of sunshine in the Queensburgh Ward to missionaries everywhere, a title which she 100% deserves. We also had a PMG devotional this evening where I had the pleasure of being referred to as Sister Rodrigue

Bye everyone! Have a wonderful week! ✌🏼 



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