Week 56 - Molweni


Monday: We went on a hike in Howick today (it's like the drive to PMB, but double) up a mountain, which was a nice view but definitely a struggle to climb up. We also went to a wholesale store (think Costco but not as nice) as well as South African Walmart, which was hype. Other than that nothing much, driving took up most of the day.

Tuesday: Taught lessons, didn't have time to do any finding today, but we did have some light correlation with our new Branch President, which was nice.

Wednesday: You know how we have to have one day a week where we get no missionary work done, so that was today. We took our vehicle to Pinetown to get serviced, and we were told it was only gonna take a few hours. So we thought shap, we'll just go to Pinetown's DC and then we can head back over to Molweni. But I say unto you nay. The car got done around 4:00 (we got there at 7) so other than the few lessons we had in the evening, we basically got shafted.

Thursday: Had DC for Hillcrest, went around making sure everyone's baptismal suits fit, and we went to a J-Dub service in the evening. Other than not understanding what anyone was saying (it was in Zulu) it was actually really nice. All the men were in white shirts and ties and everything. Wasn't able to get a New World Translation from them though 😔

Friday: Had some lessons and the APs met with us to give us a bigger baptismal suit.  

Saturday: Nothing incredibly interesting, but we did get news of who's being transferred (not transfer news mind you, that comes later) and I will be staying, but Elder Narag will be leaving.

Sunday: Had church, our BP to do a combined meeting with the branch instead of second hour classes, and then we had our baptisms 🥳🥳. It was very nice, they were all very happy to have made this covenant with God. After that, we had lunch with the RSP and 2 of the people who got baptized, and put someone else on date for next week 😎.

Thanks for reading everyone, hope you all have a wonderful week!


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