Week 37 - Queens

Monday: We got to go and play Pickleball, which was super fun. Other than that not much though. Tuesday: Did an exchange with Elder Traver this week, played therapist again, and went to go do interviews with President, but ended up not doing them because he had a meeting come up. Wednesday: Did DC with the ZLs, had a training on integrity which was nice, after that we didn't get district lunch because Chats had a Chapel tour to do. After that we did some finding and found an awesome family with 2 kids. The mom is named Michelle, and she is not super religious but is willing to hear our message. After that we had Ward Council and that is about it. I also got to knock on an actual door which was pretty epic. They didn't answer, so we were walking away, and I heard this, like, knocking on the garage door, Naturally, I went to investigate, and got the little girl on the other side to go get her dad. His name was Dexter, he's also super cool. Thursday: Got different bikes again...