Week 35 - Queens
Monday: Had a super exciting day cleaning the boarding from 9 in the morning to 8 at night… nothing much more exciting then that, just lots and lots of cleaning :)
Tuesday: We did a little more cleaning, some finding, and visited 2 friends, Nathan and Abigail. We’ve been meeting with Nathan for a while, a 7th Day Adventist who believes in the Book of Mormon, and Abigail, who is a referral who we met for the first time today. She’s taking a theology class and her professor is having her read the Book of Mormon for her class. She had a lot of questions and was super cool.
Wednesday: District council with the APs today, and then we did a split with Elder Fiesta, one of the APs (Assistants to the President). Elder Fiesta is super cool and upbeat, and we got to use the APs' Bakkie today, which was nice. He taught us some about setting multiple goals while finding to make it more fun.
Thursday: We went and visited Nickey Nik-Naks, and then we helped set up some for Sister Millicent's significant other's funeral.
Friday: We did ourselves some finding, visited Sianne, and then visited Brotha Dave, and talked to his grandson about baptism, Brotha Dave also fed us burgers

Saturday: Went to a funeral. I talked about Heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation, and how it was made to bring all of his children back tk him. I also ate some of the hottest curry of all time. Then we went to see Sister Betty, one of our less active members who is coming back to church, and talked about temples. In doing so, Elder Lowe upset Mama by taking her the wrong way back home. Then we went and saw Chester, our recently baptized friend, and talked to him about the temple as well.
Sunday: We had our fast and testimony meeting and I taught the Elders Quorum lesson on Elder Bednar's talk from October 2023, In the Path of Their Duty, and talked about magnifying our callings as members, even if we don't get recognition for it. After that we went and saw Brotha Dave again to teach Num Num, his nephews girlfriend.
I hope everyone is doing well! I'll talk again next week, I love all of you and implore you to keep pressing forward in the Gospel 

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