Week 33 - Queens
Monday: Just a chill P-Day. We went to Berea to get my bag, and chilled at the chapel the rest of the day
Tuesday: Exchange with the incredible Elder Traver again! We taught some lessons, lost some keys, and did some finding. Another incredible exchange if I do say so myself
Wednesday: District Council in Chatsworth today, which meant we got Tommy's sushi for lunch again. After that we did some door knocking, and then we went to Pick N Pay (Imagine Walmart) and just talked to some people in there. It was super fun, we got to find odd places to put invitations for people to find, and we met a cool lady named Sasha, we're going to visit her church on Thursday and she's going to come to ours on Sunday.
Thursday: We Did some finding in Checkers in the morning, and then we went finding. Sadly, our finding was cut short due to me having a little accident… we were going down a hill and I was going quite speedily, and my front tire slipped in some dirt while I was turning and I did a little bitty flip off. Banged up my knee and tore up my pants. Miracle moment though, I slammed my head into the curb but I was wearing a helmet so no damage to the brain
After that we went to Sashes church, which was nice. Their drummer was pretty cool as well.

Friday: Did Weekly Planning, we didn’t visit Sianne again, but we went finding near where we went to church yesterday, and met 2 super cool people in a row, and we were able to share an Easter message with them. We also did call-ins and I made pasta for the District which was epic because it was San Carlitos last day in the District.
Saturday: We went finding again, and found a super awesome lady named Jennifer, who we shared an Easter message with and invited to church, and she seemed super excited to come. While we were finding, we also found R200 on the ground. We couldn't figure out whose it was and we wanted it to go towards something Jesus would do, so we were just going to donate it to humanitarian aid, but we went to Checkers to get Mama an Easter present, and we saw a little girl who wanted an easter egg, but her parents couldn't get it. So we were able to buy this little girl some chocolate for Easter.
Sunday: Epic Easter Sunday today! We had 10 people come to church, and a lot of our less active members came as well. After that we visited 2 of our members and thats about it because we were asked not to proselyte today due to the holidays. But it was an awesome Sabbath, and proof that miracles are everywhere to be found, when Priesthood callings are magnified.
Happy Easter everyone!app.goo.everyone has taken this opportunity to think about the atonement of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us. I hope everyone has a great week preparing for general conference!
(Also still gonna leave my google photos in case anyone wants to join)
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