Week 37 - Queens

Monday: We got to go and play Pickleball, which was super fun. Other than that not much though. 

Tuesday: Did an exchange with Elder Traver this week, played therapist again, and went to go do interviews with President, but ended up not doing them because he had a meeting come up.

Wednesday: Did DC with the ZLs, had a training on integrity which was nice, after that we didn't get district lunch because Chats had a Chapel tour to do. After that we did some finding and found an awesome family with 2 kids. The mom is named Michelle, and she is not super religious but is willing to hear our message. After that we had Ward Council and that is about it. I also got to knock on an actual door which was pretty epic. They didn't answer, so we were walking away, and I heard this, like, knocking on the garage door, Naturally, I went to investigate, and got the little girl on the other side to go get her dad. His name was Dexter, he's also super cool.

Thursday: Got different bikes again today to get my busted up bike in for repairs, promptly proceeded to crash my bike. This lady wouldn't move out of the way, so I had to swerve into the road to avoid her, and in the process of getting back on the sidewalk, my bike hit the curb the wrong way and threw me into the grass. It wasn't as bad as last time though, I was able to go into a roll so it was shap. After that, we went and did interviews with President and Sister De Kock for reals this time. Pres very kindly told me to suck it up buttercup sent us on our way. We also went to distribution to get materials.

Friday: Did more finding, we met a lady named Praise that we’re going to meet with tomorrow, we're going to see if we can get Sister Praise (our RSP) to come with us due to the name similarity.          

Saturday: Busy day, we met with Praise and her 3 kids, which was awesome. The kids have a lot of questions and they’re coming to church next week. After that we had a few more lessons, some unnecessary biking, and met with Nathan, which was also cool.

Sunday: Epic Sunday, we had some friends to church and Successfully met half of our goals, totally surpassing our new people goal. Hopefully we can get things turned around with a fresh sense of positivity.

Hope everyone has a great, we'll talk again next week!


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