Week 36 - Queens


Monday: We did our weekly planning because we do weekly planning on Mondays now, and then we did Zone P-Day, which of course was sportsball. 

Tuesday: We did some finding, got some bike supplies from Elder Lindberg, and then we played therapist for one of our new members.

Wednesday: We actually did DC in the afternoon today because Elder Pereira had to go to a doctors appointment this morning. So we did some finding this morning, did DC in the afternoon, then Elder Pereira barbered up mine and Elder Lowes hair. 

Thursday: Zone Conference day today! We had some wonderful trainings from the Zone Leaders, APs, and President and Sister De Kock today. We learned about our area documentation, being a better missionary, and being a better teacher. After that we went to see Sister Praise and I started my exchange with Elder Pereira.

Friday: Exchange with Elder Pereira! He's an older missionary, 14ish, and he's from Pretoria. He's an awesome missionary and super positive. I got to drive the Venue while I was in Chats and we went and had the Best Bunny in Durban again, only this time we got it for free because some guy paid for us, which was super cool.            

Saturday: We did some finding, got chased by some Doggos, and biked a decent amount to go do some finding with one of the youth in our ward, Alex. After that we went and visited one of our older members, Sister Maria, who made us rice and gravy, which was epic.

Sunday: Just another Sunday, went to church, did some finding, and called some people and did paperwork. Nothing super fun, but necessary to keep an area organized and to track our progress.

Better late than never I suppose, but I'll see you all next week!



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