Week 28 - Queensburgh

'Ello everyone, I hope you are doing fantastically! Monday: 'Twas my first P-Day in Queensburgh, there's not as much cultural stuff to do as there was in Eswatini, so we did our proselyting, shopped, and spent our time at the temple. We shopped very poorly though. Me and Elder Lowe were used to getting our groceries separately, but we all bought the same things, so now we have 60 eggs, 4 loaves of bread, 5 things of peanut butter, and a bunch of other things. We will be shopping together from now on… Tuesday: We did finding in the morning (white people can be rude kinda sorta, and met some pretty cool people. There’s a guy named Dion, and we were going into the lesson thinking he was trying to attack our beliefs, because he kinda did that last time, and he started off seeming like he was going to go into it, but it turned out that he had actually prayed about the Book of Mormon and discovered it’s truth as well as the truth of the church! It was an incredible miracle that G...