Week 25 - Nhlangano
Monday: We went to take our Bakkie in for a second round of repairs, and it still has to go in for a third (not my fault though). After that we went to Zone Council, and we were going to go to a Game Reserve and hike to the top of a cool rock (some may call it a mountain) but it cost 85 rand per person and we were meant broke due to the pay period. We'll get paid tomorrow, but for today we went to a glass factory, which was super cool. I even got a glass duck.
Tuesday: Pretty uninteresting day, but we did count up our baptismal clothing for the baptisms we're having next week, just to make sure everything was shap
Wednesday: Drove on down to Manzini for DC, ran into Elder and Sister Lindberg from durban on the way back (figuratively). Very little else though, we did do some tracting but that's about it.
Thursday: Haha… a lot more tracting today, 5 hours of it to be specific. Didn't have many lessons sadly, but we met with one of our members and he agreed to come help with the sacrament this Sunday, which is awesome!
Friday: Taught lessons, did service, gave a priesthood blessing. Sadly, that is all.
Saturday: Also not much happened today either. I know my mom would rather I didn't almost die, but at least when that happens I have something to talk about.
Sunday: Pretty good Sunday this week. We confirmed Nosipho and then headed down to GeGe, and after that we had some lessons and a mission wide devotional where we learned about helping people keep commitments and how doing so helps them feel the spirit more when we aren't around. Good Sunday good week,

Bye guys, sorry this week wasn't super eventful, hoping this upcoming one has more dangerous situations for me to write about 

Parental Edit - Stay tuned for next week's edition. He DID figure out a way to get into a dangerous situation today (Monday, 2/5), but he says it needs to be in next week's update.....cliffhanger.....π
Link to Google Photos album also: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ Tmueksd3tNMJZRqo7
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