Week 26 - Nhlangano
Hello Friends. Ieesh, believe it or not, orchestrating 6 baptisms in one week is pretty tough. Worth it, but tricky to manage, especially when your companion is the district leader and there are 21 other baptisms happening in the same zone on the same day. So let's get into it
Monday: No Zone P-Day this week, so nothing exciting. Except that at lunch we saw a black mamba and a man catching it in slides, it was pretty exciting (We were in the news). After that we had dinner with a friend from Ngwane Park, but had to leave early due to bad storm, and ieesh, it was bad. We had to spend the night at Fairviews boarding instead of driving home.
Tuesday: Drove home in the morning, with Elder Ramanlal on an exchange! Elder Ramanlal is an incredible missionary who is super good at talking with people, I learned a lot from him. We also fetched water and carried a bucket on our heads.
Wednesday: We spent the whole day in Manzini, had 0 lessons
. As the DL, Elder Maaboi had to do the baptismal interviews for Ngwane Park and Fairview, and as his companion, I had the pleasure to tag along. So that plus DC=not much work.

Thursday: Maybe the only normal day we had this week. We organized the baptismal Program and finalized all the things with our baptismal candidates before interviews tomorrow.
Friday: Did interviews with Elder Lloyd today on exchanges. We also went finding with a member, our clerk Brother Hlophe, which was super fun. Brother Hlophe is a funny guy. We also got in a fight with a rock and lost, but we don't need to talk about that…
Saturday: Got stuck in a ditch again, which is always fun. After that we met with some of our people one last time before the baptism. Also, transfer news came in! I'm being transferred out to Queensburgh in Durban, which means I have to make the 6 hour drive again 

Sunday: Absolutely incredible Sunday! 6/7 Baptisms, and the spirit was so strong (we also had 27 baptisms in total for eswatini alone but no big deal). We had the wife of a family we were baptizing saying she would want to be baptized next. We also had our new senior couple there, the Desmonds. I also gave my bye bye talk since it'll be my last Sunday here
Another transfer coming to an end. I can't belive the amount of joy I've felt while serving in Swaziland, it's definitely the promised land and I hope I'll be able to come back, but I'm looking forward to what I'll learn in my next area. Until next week!
Link to pictures: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ Tmueksd3tNMJZRqo7
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