Week 28 - Queensburgh

'Ello everyone, I hope you are doing fantastically!

Monday: 'Twas my first P-Day in Queensburgh, there's not as much cultural stuff to do as there was in Eswatini, so we did our proselyting, shopped, and spent our time at the temple. We shopped very poorly though. Me and Elder Lowe were used to getting our groceries separately, but we all bought the same things, so now we have 60 eggs, 4 loaves of bread, 5 things of peanut butter, and a bunch of other things. We will be shopping together from now on…

Tuesday: We did finding in the morning (white people can be rude kinda sorta, and met some pretty cool people. There’s a guy named Dion, and we were going into the lesson thinking he was trying to attack our beliefs, because he kinda did that last time, and he started off seeming like he was going to go into it, but it turned out that he had actually prayed about the Book of Mormon and discovered it’s truth as well as the truth of the church! It was an incredible miracle that God put before us. We also met with our RSP (Relief Society President), who is super cool and made us delicious food. Good day, 10/10

Wednesday: We did district council, talked a lot about obedience, which, being in Eswatini, I am already ahead at ðŸ˜Ž. After that we went to Tommy’s sushi (tastes better than it sounds) and I tried sushi for the first time, it was ok. After that we went back to the area and had correlation with the bishop, RSP, and EQP. After that we had a lesson with, I kid you not, a lesson with a family of 7th Day Adventists. One of them found Elder Lowe “attractive”.

Thursday: We filled out a lot of pass-along cards (will attach picture for reference) to give out to people while we find over the next couple weeks. After that we were at the boarding while one of the senior couples fixed our door. We also met someone who may or may not steal our car later, the jury is still out on that. We also met some people who might be druggies, also still not sure. But he had Mini Coopers so he’s chill.

Friday: We did our weekly planning, we went to visit part of a less active family (the Peckhams, if their family came to church it will double our church attendance) it was one the daughters and her children, they’re super cool and we’re hoping to get a Braii set up with the whole family to try and get them back to the church.

Saturday: We did a lot of tracting today, as we will for the next couple weeks, and we saw Brother Dave. He gave us burgers and ice cream, and we watched a good video on Gospel Library called “A Shower of Heavenly Blessings”

Sunday: Another decent Sunday this week, although it was very hot because the AC is broken and the load shedding. After that we went and met with more of the Peckham clan. We had dinner with Sister Sam and Brother Carlo, and we fixed member records, and thus ends our week

Look at me, on time today, talk again next week, love you all!


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