Week 6-Africa

Good day everyone!
It's been another week in Africa and it's had some highs and lows. Best we start the week with where I left off.
On Monday we had zone P-Day in Hillcrest, where we discussed in zone conference the importance of having confidence when doing the work of the Lord. We then had a Briie (basically a South African barbecue) and headed home to shop.
Tuesday we started progressing more with the ward. Not only did we go tracting with Buhle, a member who's looking to serve a mission, but we also had Natasha with us for a lesson. Having members participate really brought a power to the lessons.
Wednesday we really put the invitation of confidence to the test. During district council we were able to discuss more about it and bounce ideas around about how to do it. After that we went and ate lunch at a place called Nando's, and it was delicious. One lesson that really stuck out was with someone name Bheki. We taught him the restoration and then we got to the Book of Mormon and I said "This is the most important book you'll ever read. You need to read it tonight, and we'll call you tomorrow and ask what you thought about it" I really felt the spirit putting power behind my words.
Thursday was another good day, we had boarding checks and passed with flying colors. We also taught an inactive member who was having difficulty finding her own testimony and wouldn't come to church until she had one, which I thought was an odd way to go about it but to each their own. We're going to start meeting with her to see if we can help her out. We also called Bheki, and when we asked if he read it he said he did, did some more research on Joseph Smith on the church website, and felt that he was "inspired"! I'm so happy that he was able to come to that realization on his own.
Not much happened on Friday, but Saturday was kinda a bummer to start, we had one potentially progressing investigator tell us she was going to go get drunk that night, and had a couple drunk guys get handsey with us when we were trying to meet with someone who bunked us. A pretty tough day.
Sunday was a needed improvement to Saturday. I gave a talk on the Family Proclamation in relation to the Restoration Proclamation (rhyming skills). Seeing the foresight that the FP had, it's both scary and exciting to think about the revalation the RP is leading up to. We invited the drunk guys to come to church, but they didn't show :(. After that we met with someone named Pearl and her family, and had a great spirit lead conversation about the plan of salvation
Today while we were coming back from doing service, I had an extremely spiritual experience sitting in the car, feeling the wind on my face and smelling the trees and grass outside. Something just hit that this is where I'm supposed to be and I'm excited to continue doing the work.
Until next week!
Pictures from lunch today at Rocko Mama's, it was incredible to say the least
An onion tree I made while Chef/Elder Magot made dinner


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