Week 53 - Molweni

Monday: P-Day as always. We played some rugby and got lunch, that’s about all that’s interesting. (The words are the same because the day is the same)

Tuesday: We found 3 people today, which is good because in the entirety of last week we only found 4. We taught some people went home, and got myself a anniversary treat for hitting one year πŸ₯³ (it was a bar of chocolate)

Wednesday: We did a lot of contacting in the morning, had some lessons in the afternoon.

Thursday: We had a pretty good DC today, had 1 lesson with a member, and we were early to our next lesson. Striving to be as productive as possible, we thought we would go and check on one of our less active members. We go over and knock, they’re not home. Ok, no problem, lets go to our lesson. Go to car, battery dead. Major shame right. So we call our roadside assistance people, they call someone to jump us and say it will be about 45 minutes (it’s 3:15ish at this point). Ok, no problem, we want to keep being productive, so we decide to go finding while we wait. So we find for a half hour and come back to the car to wait for the tow truck, and we find out that the car’s battery is too dead to unlock the car, so we would have no way to pop the hood for the guy… So, we call the people back, they cancel the tow truck that was coming and try to find a locksmith instead. They eventually find one, but we are told it will be a 90 minute wait until they can help us (it is approximately 4:30 at this point). So we go to find some township chips and go to our branch president’s house so that we don’t get robbed on top of all this misfortune, eventually the guy comes, opens our car, jumps it, and we are able to leave the township and head home (about 7:00 at this point). And when we get home and turn the car off, it immediately dies again πŸ™‚

Friday: Our morning was full of waiting for Elder Lindberg so we could get the car jumped (again) and go get a new battery. But in the afternoon we had some lessons, taught some people, and possibly) almost got carjacked, so all fun times car wise this week.

Saturday: Nothing interesting, taught lessons, did finding, light correlation with the relief society.

Sunday: Pretty good Sunday, we had 10 friends at church which was great, and we taught the Sunday school lesson again, but we’re in the war chapters, so it wasn’t too bad. Afterwards we had some lessons, one with a really cool investigator who wants to come to church next Sunday, and we had correlation with President Mutembai.

That’s all from the week, and officially my first year as a missionary. While it definitely has not been easy, it has absolutely been life changing. I’ve learned an incredible amount about the gospel, the restoration of it, and most importantly, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I encourage all who read this to gain a personal testimony of the restored gospel and build a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. See you all next week.





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