Week 48 - Queens

Monday: Twas P-Day, nothing done.

Tuesday: We did a lot of finding today in Mosely, which is the more affluent part of our area, and we actually had a bit of success. We had like 3 people in a row think that we were J-Dubs, but we also got a few numbers and even had a lesson or two.

Wednesday: Not super exciting but had a cool spirit-led moment. We didn't have a very busy morning, and Mamma needed some shopping done since she hurt her back, so we went to Checkers to grab her groceries, and on the way out of the flat I was like, I should get a fresh copy of the Book of Mormon, which I never bring to Checkers. So I grab one and we go grab the groceries, and on the way back we run into Sister Praise (the one and only) and she's like "Ah, Elders, this is my new friend" and starts telling her about what we do. She then notices my Book of Mormon and takes it from me, takes Elder Heslops pencil (which he also felt prompted to grab) and gives her the BoM with our number on it. It was awesome to see the Lord's hand at work.

Thursday: District Council, Capris, and then we had some lessons as well as going up to Mosely a second time for a BoM referral that we had gotten right after we did some finding there. Turns out, it was actually someone we had taught on Tuesday that went online and requested a copy of the Book of Mormon, so that was pretty cool. 

Friday: Today was a pretty good day, we had an incredible miracle today! We were in Moseley for the 3rd time this week walking to an appointment that we had when we hear from behind us "Elders! Elders!" We turn back to the house that the voice came from and found one of the people who had thought we were Jehovah's Witnesses. He had said that he'd already read a lot of books on religion and he was happy with the one he was in, but we gave him a restoration pamphlet anyway. Well, today he stops us, tells us he "Never knew about Joseph Smith" and asks us how much for a copy of the Book of Mormon. So we got him a copy of the Book of Mormon and went out for a nice burger king meal afterwards.

Saturday: See... we were going to be busy today, but then we got bunked by most of our lessons. We did have a couple lessons though, so it was alright.

Sunday: Sunday wasn't exactly anything special. A lowish amount of people but it wasn't bad. We did get absolutely roasted by a 15 year old girl though
"You invite people to church every day??"
"But there's never anyone coming."
"...Yeah ðŸ¥²"

That's all for this week, it was incredible to see the Lord's hand in providing all the miracles we saw this week, and a good reminder that "Miracles are everywhere to be found, when Priesthood callings are Magnified". Love all of you and make sure to keep invested in the work. ðŸ˜‡
P.S. We did not charge that guy for a copy of the Book of Mormon.
P.P.S. No media was recorded this week in video or photographic form, sorry Dad :(


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