
Showing posts from July, 2024

Week 50 - Molweni

  Monday: Twas my first P-day in Hillcrest, we went for breakfast and chilled at the chapel most of the day, but that was after I went and did my shopping for a new area. Tuesday: Zone conference day! We had some very good trainings about extending invitations and preparing people for baptism. We learned a lot and are prepared to implement it into our teaching. Wednesday: District council, I gave a training on the christlike attribute of charity, and then we went to lunch. We met with 2 pretty cool people today, Ayanda and Nonkululeko. They're both looking for the right church to join and have been quite open to our conversations. We also met with the Gebashes's, a family that is mostly less active, to help them come back to church. Thursday: We met with a good amount of members today, tried to start getting correlation running correctly here. Actual correlation between the RS and EQ is actually quite essential to missionary work. The Lord intended missionary work to be done be

Week 49 - Que-Molweni??

  Monday: It was supposed to be Zone P-Day, but due to a severe lack of funds we had to cancel it. We did go to the mission office to grab supplies and then went to Pavilion to play bowling though, which was super fun. Tuesday: We went to see Sister Zethu as always, then we went up to Mosely, visited David and gave him a Portuguese copy of the Book of Mormon, and visited Sianne for the first time in forever. It was Robyn’s birthday so we got her a toy gun. We got a call from President though. Due to some missionaries finishing their mission before the end of the transfer, President had to make some adjustments, which involved me leaving Queens and going to Molweni, a township near Hillcrest. Oh, and this is all happening tomorrow. So we made dinner for Mamma one last time and stayed up all night cleaning and packing. Wednesday: We went and got lunch at Capris one last time, I helped Elder Heslop prepare for the Gospel Principles class this Saturday instead of Friday to see if we would

Week 48 - Queens

Monday: Twas P-Day, nothing done. Tuesday: We did a lot of finding today in Mosely, which is the more affluent part of our area, and we actually had a bit of success. We had like 3 people in a row think that we were J-Dubs, but we also got a few numbers and even had a lesson or two. Wednesday: Not super exciting but had a cool spirit-led moment. We didn't have a very busy morning, and Mamma needed some shopping done since she hurt her back, so we went to Checkers to grab her groceries, and on the way out of the flat I was like,  I should get a fresh copy of the Book of Mormon , which I never bring to Checkers. So I grab one and we go grab the groceries, and on the way back we run into Sister Praise (the one and only) and she's like "Ah, Elders, this is my new friend" and starts telling her about what we do. She then notices my Book of Mormon and takes it from me, takes Elder Heslops pencil (which he also felt prompted to grab) and gives her the BoM with our number on

Week 47 - Quěens (Evil E)

Monday: Surprisingly busy P-Day. We had correlation council, then we had to walk one of the kids in our ward back to his house. We afterwards passed out, went shopping, and then went to the chapel.   Tuesday: We visited one of our new-members, Sister Zethu, and taught her about prayer. After that, our day was pretty empty. We did some finding, and worked on our lesson for our gospel principles class. Wednesday: District Council has actually been moved to Thursdays so that the ZLs can come every other week, so we had a meeting with our EQP about helping him with his Elders Quorum activity. After lunch we took ze train to Northdene, got bunked, and as we were talking to him we saw the train head back towards Malvern, which meant the train wouldn't be back for a couple hours. We did some finding and got some snacks at the Checkers for the ride back, only to not eat them because the train station was actually pretty sketch, and it was dark out so we didn't want to make it look like

Ŵeek 46 - Queens (The W has a little hat)

Hello Friends, hope everyone is well. They say that mission prepares you for life, and that makes what's ahead after mission seem rather bleak. No day by day this week, nothing super exciting happened other than us finding a train, which was actually pretty dope 🚈. It should help us get around the area, which will hopefully help our work. But other than that, it is actually quite the struggle this side. The work, slow. Missionary work is actually super hard. I am... very tired. But, we press forward nonetheless. There is a beautiful scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants which gives me the strength to carry on. Doctrine and Covenants 121:10. There's always positives, and if there weren't things you could do to help the area as a missionary, missionaries wouldn't be in the area. So take that how you will :). But, I invite you to keep moving forward, keep Queensburgh in your prayers, and you shall receive a better email next week 🫡. No unhallowed hand can stop the work