Week 44 - Queens


Monday: Zone P-Day, and you know what that means… Sportsball again 🥳🥳🥳. It was also Elder Shumways birthday, and the Filipinos thought it would be funny to show him a Filipino tradition of smashing an egg over his head at the end of the happy birthday song, which was devastating.

Tuesday: We went and visited a family who has been investigating the church for 5 years, and shes really cool! Her name is Sister Lee and she has 4 kids, it'll be pretty cool if they will be able to progress. We also got our hair snipped, which was nice.

Wednesday: DC, lunch (found and epic Italian place in between Chats and Queens). Afterwards, I was feeling quite ill, so we went and rested. We also visited some members, and I lost my pen temporarily to them, which I very much hope I get back…

Thursday: we had a pretty productive day today. We met with a less active who wants us to teach her boyfriend, and we are really praying that she can be brought back while we are teaching him. We also went and visited some other less actives who we are hoping to bring back, and we went to visit Sister Praise of course.

Friday: Zone Conference babyyyyy, hamba kanjane! We had Elder Silva, a member of the Area Presidency, come talk to us about members helping us with referrals, which is definitely what we need in this area. Afterwards we started our Gospel Principles class, in order to address the severe lack of doctrinal knowledge in our ward. It went… ok. It'll go better next week.

Saturday: I.. was dying. Very much. We didn't really do much.

Sunday: Sacrament was nice, we could actually hear people sing, which was incredible. After that we went and visited Nathan and Sister Gumbi, which was nice as always

Nice to email you all, love you all still, talk next week! 



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