Week 38 - Queens


Background: 12 Rand = $0.65 USD

Monday: Elder Lowe and I took the car from Chats and went to the Mall to play with Legos. It's nice to do child things and let your brain rest. I also had a Cinnabon, which was delightful. 

Tuesday: We did garden work for our friend Praise (not Sister Praise but a different Praise) and Elder Lowe pulled up a tree. After that we cleansed ourselves and visited some members to give a lesson to help strengthen their testimonies

Wednesday: DC, lunch, had a few lessons in Hillary, and we started an exchange with the ZLs, me spending the day with Elder Cox in Queens. We had one more lesson after that, and ended our day.

Thursday: Did exchange with Elder Cox, we went and worked with a lot of members, help them build their testimony. We're doing it with every member to try and help them grow more in the Gospel

Friday: Biked a lot today, but its ok. We visited more members, and one of our less active members said she would come to church on Sunday for the first time in 4 years! It was a pretty good day overall, and we ended by starting another exchange with Chatsworth.

Saturday: Slightly barren day, we did some finding at the new mall that opened right next door this week. It went ok, I like the mall because they have a store where everything is 12 rand, they sell like muffins and stuff, it's very nice. We also got transfer news, kinda. Elder Lowe is leaving and I'm staying, but they didn't give us any more details, we get full info on Tuesday. 

Sunday: Super epic Sunday! We had 5 friends come to church, and our less active came to church as well. After that, we took pictures for Elder Lowes last day, and worked on our social media post and did our weekly planning early.

Bye folks, see ya when I see ya!


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