Week 32 - Queensburgh


Monday: P-Day with the district. We went to the Pavilion Mall and played with Legos. I also found a Cinnabon, which was dope.

Tuesday: My bike broke 🙁. So we got a new bike from Elder Lindberg, and met with some people, also helped a lady fix her tire, that fell off while she was driving.

Wednesday: District council, I did the Master Scriptorian practice again, and we got McDanks for lunch. After that we met with Sister Olivia’s brother, who we’ll be baptizing soon, and we did finding.

Thursday: We had an exchange again, Elder San Carlito joined me in Queens. Every. Lesson. Bunked us. Every lesson I say. So we did a lot of finding. A lot. Of finding. We also got dinner from Sister Praise, which was delicious as always.

Friday: Did Weekly Planning, we didn’t visit Sianne today, but we got something for Mama from Checkers and we fixed the bike which I got to replace my broken bike.                    

Saturday: We got to go help with the Relief Society activity (ate some of their food), and did some finding. We also filled out a lot of pass along cards

Sunday: Church was epic, we had 5 friends at church, and all of our new members came to church. We also did finding and visited Brother Dave, and Mama made us bean curry bunny chow, which was delightful.

Good to talk with y’all. There were a lot of photos this week, so I will attach some but also attach my google photo album. Bye for now folks!



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