Week 30-31, Queens(burgh)


Hello. I’ve received news that people actually look forward to my emails, so I will also include highlights from last week as well.

We were walking down the street, and this guy just goes up to a car, swearing at him for something or another, and bashes his window in, and goes back to his car.
We got bikes, they are not fun, there are actually a lot of hills in Queensburgh and they’re not super fun to bike, but oh well.

Monday: Zone P-Day, played sportsball again, shopped, and lost power. A transformer blew so our complex has no power, which is super cool. 

Tuesday: I went on an exchange with Elder Traver to Chatsworth, which was awesome. Elder Traver is an awesome missionary, we played clue during lunch. I also had “The best bunny chow in Durban” it was pretty good.

Wednesday: Had DC, I did the Master Scriptorian with Uno cards and we went to Tommy's for lunch. After lunch we did some finding and in the evening started our Exchange with the zone leaders.

Thursday: Did my exchange with Elder Cox in Mayville. He's super cool, he actually served in New York for a year, and taught me a lot about inviting people to church. We did a lot of knocking and taught like 2 lessons, and also had McDonalds for lunch, so good exchange.

Friday: Did Weekly Planning, visited Sianne, she was super cool and helped us talk to her mother about temples. We also visited Nickey Nik-Naks and got lights for our bike.                    

Saturday: We filled out a lot of passalong cards, did some tracting, and went to dinner with Mama, our next door neighbor.

Sunday: Church, then visiting some members and finding. We got to ride home in the rain and the dark, which was super fun.

Overall, kinda a tough couple weeks. I am not a huge fan of biking, but it is getting easier as I go. The Lords work will go forth, Boldly, Nobly, and Independant, and I will as well. Until next time ✌🏼 (Also, look at me 7 months in)


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