Week 29 - Queensburgh

Monday: P-Day today, we also had Zone Council, talking about Sacrament attendance and Member Present Lessons (hey, if you get the chance, go out with the missionaries. It makes their life a lot easier.) After that, the zone played sportsball with the APs :| Also, our car had to go in for body repairs, so we borrowed Chatsworth’s car, a toyota quest, for the time being.

Tuesday: We had breakfast at a members house, which was… ok. We also met with one our member families, the Van Heerdans, who are awesome, and did a lot of finding. We’re trying out a new finding approach of just asking people if they want to come to church. If not, we were on our way. We met one family, a husband and wife (with a loud dog). They said they’d be super interested in coming to church, which was super cool!

Wednesday: We had DC late today due to a District Leader meeting Elder Lowe had, but before that we had to take the Corolla to the service shop. Turns out, the breaks on it are actually horrendous. So we drove it to Pinetown to get it repaired, and we got a ride to Chatsworth with the ZLs. After district council, we got lunch and then we waited for the Zls to come back. After that, we went back to get the car, got gas, and did Ward Council over Zoom, just a day of meetings, with more to come tomorrow.

Thursday: Zone conference day friends! We went to Berea for ZC, and got a lot of training about roleplays. Sister De Kock talked about our relationships with God and with ourselves. And President De Kock talked about the Book of Mormon and what it teaches us, outside of doctrine, and how we can apply it when we get home from mission. After that, we ate lunch, and we went back to the area (We’re doing interviews next week). We also lost our car. Kwamashu got robbed, so they got Chatsworth’s car and Chatsworth got our car. And we get to walk. More on that tomorrow.

Friday: Hi friends, I hate walking. It’s horrible. After weekly planning, we walked for 2 and a half hours to Sister Peckhams house. It was super duper not fun. There were 2 good parts. 1, Sister Peckham gave us a ride back. 2, while walking there, we met a guy named Chase who was super cool. We invited him to church Sunday and he seemed super interested. But no, walking sucks. And we get to do it for a whole month.                                                                    

Saturday: More walking today, yay… nothing super interesting. We walked around the church, and did a lot of finding, asking people to come to church. A lot of them said yes. Elder Lowe is super excited, but we will see how it goes tomorrow.

Sunday: We invited about 30 people to church. 20ish said yes, 10 seemed genuine, 2 showed up. That may sound bad, but it’s awesome! Anyone coming to church is a miracle, because it lets them feel the spirit. We also forgot to remind people the night before, and that may have something to do with it. After Church, we had lunch and did more finding and lessons. Not super eventful, but it was a nice Sunday


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