Week 32 - Queensburgh

Monday: P-Day with the district. We went to the Pavilion Mall and played with Legos. I also found a Cinnabon, which was dope. Tuesday: My bike broke . So we got a new bike from Elder Lindberg, and met with some people, also helped a lady fix her tire, that fell off while she was driving. Wednesday: District council, I did the Master Scriptorian practice again, and we got McDanks for lunch. After that we met with Sister Olivia’s brother, who we’ll be baptizing soon, and we did finding. Thursday: We had an exchange again, Elder San Carlito joined me in Queens. Every. Lesson. Bunked us. Every lesson I say. So we did a lot of finding. A lot. Of finding. We also got dinner from Sister Praise, which was delicious as always. Friday: Did Weekly Planning, we didn’t visit Sianne today, but we got something for Mama from Checkers and we fixed the bike which I got to replace my broken bike. Saturday: We got to ...