Week 21 - Nhlangano

Monday: Since it was New Years, we did a Zone P-Day… at a game reserve!!! It was awesome, we saw hippos, rhinos, elephants, giraffes, and lions. After that we did a braii and they we went back to Fairview and chilled there. After that though, not so good. I was rushing somewhere so I wasn't looking at the ground, and I got caught in a gutter, and hurt my leg, kinda a lot. I thought it was fine, so we drove home, and then it was not fine.

Tuesday: As a result of my leg being hurt, I was not able to walk, so we stayed in today. I went to get checked out at a clinic, and they thought it was just a strained muscle, so I just had to rest. But ieesh, it was not fun. Hopefully it's the only day I have to stay in.

Wednesday: District Council in person, since it was our last one of the transfer. It was really fun, and we went to get lunch afterwards, then did some more baptismal interviews (Ngwane Park is on fire with baptisms). Then we went home and had a couple lessons, nothing super interesting. 

Thursday: So today we were pretty much kidnapped from our area by the Petersons. We went to Mbabane to get our Bakkie serviced, then I had to do some stuff for my Swazi visa. It included going and taking a passport photo, signing papers, and taking an idiot test (basically a test to see if you have any physical or mental issues, Sister Peterson recommended I don't mention my leg). I also got to flex my tech skills and help the Petersons sort out their phones, so that was fun.

Friday: We met with some members, saw some piggos, that's about all.

Saturday: Did some tracting in an area, we found a few people who are super cool. Then we went and got lunch and started our monthly fast, but I started feeling a wee bit ill. Nonetheless, we had some more lessons and met with a super cool family, 2 of them went to FSY and want to be baptized! FSY is a wonderful, life changing experience and I recommended that everyone who has the opportunity goes.

Sunday: Yeah… so, I got food poisoning. It's not a great week for me health wise. We went to first, tried to meet with our Branch President but he had something come up. After that, we had a lesson, and I spent the rest of the day dying, and had a Mission devotional at night about Priesthood power and authority. It was a good training, but kinda hard to focus on when your stomach is rebelling. Word to the wise, clean your eggs 🥚 

That's all I have for this week, but I do have a poem to share which I heard. See you next week! (Also, due to the sheer amount of pictures, I'll send a few, but I'll also share a link to my Google photos album)

“Believe, and be saved,” the preacher said,
“Believe and be saved, and raised from the dead
By grace ye are saved, from sin and from hell
So simply believe, and all will be well”

The preacher continued to read from the book
How all would be saved, both angel and crook
When all had been said, and church was recessed
With money collected, and everyone blessed

The preacher retired to his spacious new home
In his humble Mercedes, with everything chrome
He sat in his study with thoughts running deep
He dozed for a minute, then died in his sleep

He ran to Saint Peter, and said with a grin,
“I believed in Jesus, so please let me in”
“Oh no,” said Saint Peter with a sigh
“Satan's working hard, and the toll's running high

“Believing is nothing, if nothing is done
In getting to heaven, you follow the Son
To follow a leader, you do what is said
Faith without works, is nothing but dead

“Satan knows Jesus, and believes in him too!
So what's the difference between Satan and you?
So follow the Savior, but always recall,
Faith is important, but it sure isn't all”



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