Week 20 🫣-Nhlangano

 Yo! 20 weeks in, that's crazy... time flies when you're doing the Lord's work

Monday: Sadly, no new bakkie this week, but a wonderful Christmas! Not only did I get to sleep in, but we got to go to the Petersons (not to be confused with the Petersons, the Petersons, or Elder Peterson) and eat an actually pretty American Christmas dinner. Ham, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, the works. It was super awesome and an amazing gesture from the Petersons, it made the holidays easier for a lot of the missionaries, including myself, who were having their first Christmas away from family. That night I also started my very first exchange (where 2 companionships do a little trade, where one missionary stays in their area and the other goes to the other area) with the one and only Elder Millett. No better way to start it off then by driving back to Manzini at 9:30 at night because Elder Maaboi still had the keys to the boarding 😀. So we stayed the night in Manzini with plans to make the 1.5 hour drive to Nhlangano early the next morning.

Tuesday: Started our day off early by getting up at five and driving back to Nhlangano. On our way down, a bird decided to end its life by flying right into the passenger window, may his poor soul rest in peace…
Other than that, the exchange went incredibly! Elder Millett is an incredible missionary who is incredibly sincere about sharing the gospel and wants people to know the joy it can bring them. We did some necessary mudding to get to our first appointment, got some KFC for lunch, had some other appointments and did some knocking. Over all, my first exchange was 10/10, would do again.

Wednesday: We got to have district council in person today, which was sweet. It was way better than virtually, and it was nice to see our district in person. The ZLs were also there, which was also super sweet. After DC, we went to a place to get lunch and I waited forever to get a calzone, and then Elder Maaboi had interviews to do for an area in our district, so we were in Manzini a lot.

Thursday: Not super busy today, but we met a super cool guy named Dalton, who works at Pick N’ Pay and was super interested in our message, even had good questions. I'm hoping we are able to meet with him more.

Friday: Sooo we spent 2 hours of our morning with our back 2 tires stuck in a ditch, which wasn't fun. We almost had to wait longer for the ZLs to drive 2 hours to fish us out, but due to the help of a kind security guard, we were able to escape the ditch, which was wonderful. Other than that though, nothing to write home about

Saturday: A few lessons, and we finally got our records sorted out, which is super duper good. Other than that, same old same old 🤷🏼‍♂️

Sunday: New Years Eve, which means more drunkards sadly. the APs said we had to be in my 6, and we had to travel to Ezulwini because we're going to a Game Reserve tomorrow, which is sure to be super exciting (PS, it was, but more on that next week). So because of that, not much report for Sunday. Hopefully next week brings more excitement (PS, it did, but not the good kind)

Ieesh, this was later than last week. So sorry I got behind, I will try and do better next week (again). I hope everybody had a happy New Year and will be able to use this year to draw closer to Jesus Christ. Have a wonderful rest of your week everybody!!! 🎇🎆🎇


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