Week 19-Nhlangano

Monday: New week, new Bakkie. In the three weeks I’ve been here I’ve driven three different Bakkies, but this one is actually ours so I should be keeping it for a while. But when we got it, it had just gone to a game reserve with the ZL’s and because of that was super muddy (Will attach picture for reference). We also went back to the Market today and I was able to buy a nativity set, which is super cool. 

Tuesday: We went to go to a lesson and saw that there was a weird dent in the back passenger side of the Bakkie. Come to find out, that while the ZL’s were at the Game reserve, a Rhino charged the Bakkie and dented the side. So while the car was getting washed, I had the pleasure of filling out an accident report on a rhino hitting our car, which doesn’t happen too often. Other than that, nothing super interesting happened. Due to it being Christmas next Monday, we were unable to meet with many people because they left town, and tracting isn’t super effective. So be ready for a super uneventful week.

Wednesday: Had district council, and that’s about it. Like I said, Christmas time be doing Christmas time things 🤷🏼‍♂️

Thursday: See above, minus DC. But we did go help Christopher with his garden again, he got an order for like 30 cases of tomatoes so he was busy with that practically all day, so we went and helped him out with harvesting in the evening.

Friday: We started working on clearing up our branches records since we didn’t have many people we could meet today (fun fact: did you know that the Africa South Area of the Church has by far the most inaccurate records in the entire Church. It’s due to a number of things, from proper addresses barely existing to people not getting their records moved when they leave an area to them straight up dying and no one updating the records). After that we went and visited Christopher, who had stayed up until 5 in the morning taking care of his tomatoes. Life as a farmer seems super hard and I do not envy it.

Saturday: Did some more member work in the morning and then we prepared for the mission Christmas Party. We had ours at the Millwards house in Ezulwini, which was about an hour and 45 minute drive. At the party we ate food, played games, went caroling, and did a little talent show. We also got these super cool Jerseys from President and Sister De Kock, which was really awesome of them. The party ended at 9, and we couldn’t really drive back home that late, so we’re staying the night at the ZL’s and driving back down early in the morning to make it to church

Sunday: ‘Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the town, everybody was drinking, putting bottle after bottle down. Since it’s Christmas eve and everyone is drunk, we weren’t allowed to go finding, only lessons. So after Church we played some games with members at the Chapel, went to the lessons we had that day, did some service for Brother Ngozo, the Second Counselor, and did more record cleaning. Overall a pretty busy Sunday actually, the lord finds a way. It also started pouring rain as we were going home so we got absolutely soaked.

I’m sorry that this email is getting out so late, our Christmas Day ended up being pretty hectic, but nonetheless, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone was able to celebrate the birth of our Savior with their families and feel his spirit in their homes. Have a great week and I’ll write again in the New Year!! 🎄🎅🎁

Dirty Bakkie (not from us)


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