Week 18-Nhlangano

Monday: No Market today, I'll have to stop by next week to look around, but it was Zone Council and P-Day, so we went to a traditional village and looked around. We also got to see a traditional dance, which was super cool. We had Honchos for lunch, which is part of this really hyperspecific type of food chain that sells Flame grilled chicken, chips and rolls, with the same 5 types of hastings and wraps and burgers made the same way between the different chains, but they're called by 3 different names (Pedro's, Honchos, Nando's, and Galito's) which are all somewhat similar. It's very bizarre…

Tuesday: Nothing super interesting, but a super cool miracle happened. So there's these flats in our area that Elder Maaboi was wanting to knock, but it was in this super secure area and we couldn't find a way to get entry. So we were going about our day, tracting and whatnot, and I got the impression to try calling gray dots (people who we have stopped teaching for one reason or another). I set the filter to gray dots who we stopped teaching because they were too busy and had been to Sacrament more than once (hyperspecific filter for hyperspecific results) and we got like 5 people from a year or 2 back. We called one guy, named Malungelo who we called, and said we could meet but he was in the hospital for a while because of TB. We were just like “Shap, we'll just wear masks, where's the hospital?” As he starts describing it, we realize the hospital is not only about 5 minutes away, but also part of the hospital were the flats we were trying to get into that very day. We were stunned. We scheduled an appointment to visit with them tomorrow and then went to our next appointment. But it was super cool how we were able to experience that miracle by listening to spiritual promptings.

Wednesday: District Council again. Over video again. After that we went to go see the guy from yesterday, and it turns out he was about to get baptized but then work things and then he got sick, so we're going to visit him every Wednesday now. After that we went and knocked on some of the nurses (not to be confused with Nursing) homes. There was one kid who was super nice, we're going to try and visit him more and try and see a debate he's doing on Friday. After that we went to a homecoming convention that we were invited to, which was… different from what I'm used to. It's always nice to visit other churches and see how others worship Christ, but it also makes you appreciate the calm spirit that you can really only find at our church, there's really nothing like it. 

Thursday: Today was pretty bug on service, we were able to help one family chop up a tree for fire work, which is actually pretty fun with a machete. I chopped up a tree, and it was pretty fun just slashing them apart after a few good hits, but it was also super tiring. After that we did some lessons, and then that evening we went to help Christopher with his farm, because his tomatoes ripened faster than expected and he had to get them ready to sell.

Friday: Today was kinda a bummer, our data stopped working, which really put a hinder on our MIssionary work, especially since we couldn't figure out how to add more, we called Sister Millward, one of the Senior Missionaries (Older missionaries, in their 50s-60s, who handle a lot of the logistics of running a mission area) and she said she'd get back to us, so we had to rely on just voice. But a lot of our day was taken up by driving to Gege (pronounced gaygay). So, Nhlangano is a branch, which means it is smaller then a ward but has enough Priesthood holders to be somewhat sustainable. Gege is what we in the business call a group, which is smaller than a branch, so it can't really sustain itself on its own, but they live really far from the branch so they meet separately to do Sacrament and stuff. Elder Maaboi and I had the opportunity to drive an hour up and and hour down from Gege to deliver supplies for their Christmas Party since we had a Bakki and could do such things. Other than that, nothing to write home about.

Saturday: Today was our church party, so that also took up a lot of our day, since the branch needed our help setting it up and running it. There were a lot of kids there, but not a whole lot of adults, which isn't great, but other than that is was a pretty decent time. We also had to go try and buy airtime so we could buy data, but for whatever reason that didn't work, giving us some error message when we tried to buy the data, so we spent another day without 💀

Sunday: I had two sacraments today, one in Nhlangano and one in Gege. After that, I got pretty sick of not having data and we couldn't really do much work without it, so I spent an hour on the phone with MTN customer service so they could help fix the issue (Just like home if I do say so myself). After that we didn't have much else, Sundays can be kinda slow, especially in December. I'm not exactly looking forward to next week because apparently the closer to Christmas you get the harder it gets because everyone is traveling. I'll definitely need everyone's prayers.

That’s all for this week, remember, God made you special, and he loves you very much
Goodbye!! 🥒🍅 (If you know you know)


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