Week 15-Imbali

Monday: Elder Kearl is dead now ☠️ I am now the designated driver, so we may be dead soon as well. Other than that, nothing super interesting. Pulled a Scott Sterling and took a soccer ball kicked straight to the face though.

Tuesday: So, as it turns out, recombining 2 areas into one is easier said than done. We had to pick and choose what lessons to and not to go to. We met with some of our people who came to church on Sunday. They all were doing great and said they'd be coming again next week. I also managed to get up to 80 KM/H without using any gas, which was pretty cool. Hills are dope when you're not working

Wednesday: First DC with Elder Halcomb as our district leader again, it was pretty good. Other than that nothing super interesting. I did make a promise to become knowledgeable on Jacob chapter 5 by Saturday though, so wish me luck. We also didn't have power like all day this morning, and this is the second time the power has been extra funky… a little concerning but oh well 🤷🏼‍♂️

Thursday: Not a super exciting day, most of our appointments fell through, so most of the day was spent fighting the 80 interested people we have inherited from the two areas merging together. We also met with a less active member named Babalwa. She wants to be more active but her job is keeping her from doing so. After that we went to visit some nice old ladies in PMB's area and had pizza for Thanksgiving (happy Thanksgiving by the way)

Friday: Bubkis. For two areas being combined, it sure is tough to keep our appointments from bunking us. But we set up an appointment for us to go eat with an inactive member on my birthday because it's his birthday too, so that will be fun.

Saturday: So, as it turns out, dinner for next week is out of the picture. We got news tonight that we would be doing transfers on Saturday, and I'm getting transferred. They haven't told us where to yet, but they just said to say our goodbyes because this would be our last chance to 😥. I also got a chance to talk with a seventh day Adventist about what they believed and explain how and why we differed, it was super informative for the both of us I think. Overall pretty decent day.

Sunday: My last Sunday with Imbali. I gave a talk on the Word of Wisdom, bore my testimony, and said my goodbyes. After that we were able to teach a few lessons, but nothing groundbreaking. We got transfer calls at like 9:00 at night, and found out I would be going to Madedani 3, which is a biking area and where my baba used to serve, so that's pretty cool.

Monday (Today) (Part 1): So, I normally don't include today as one of the days in my weekly email, but I just so happen to be writing this late and I have to finish the transfer news ark. So we're going to a members house to do service and we get a call from Elder Fenn (one of the APs). We thought that was odd because they had already called us yesterday to give us the transfer news… So it turns out that they had assigned a missionary without a license to a driving area, which will anti-work because the missionary there does not have a license either. So, since I have a license, I have been reassigned to Eswatini, good ole Swaziland. Which means on Saturday, I get to drive 7 hours from PMB to Swaziland, probably stopping somewhere else first to transfer some Elders. It's going to be a long, red bull reliant day on Saturday, stay tuned for that…
You'll get the rest of Monday next week, but for now, thank you for reading and stay chaste ✌️
Elder Kearl on his final day, you will be missed baba
Last Sunday with the Imbali crew
Me and my guy Ayanda, who's getting ready to serve on mission himself!


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