Week 14-Imbali

Monday: It was Elder Kearls final P-Day, he dies next week 🥲. We started the day doing gardening work at Sister Msomi's, and then we went to lunch at Pana-Rottis, and Italian place here. We then did some shopping around the mall and played more Rummikub (I won again, undefeated 😎)

Tuesday: We turned one bunk into 3 lessons, absolutely stacked our Friday (more on that Friday) and got bunked a lot in the afternoon. I definitely felt the spirit in the lessons we had today though. However it was raining, and it's possible I caught a cold.

Wednesday: We had our District Council with the Zone Leaders today, and Elder Brown went on exchange with Elder Dlamini so he could do a baptismal interview for the Pietermaritzburg missionaries. Nothing super eventful today. We met with Princess, whose testimony is getting more powerful every time we meet with her. That's about it though, we're building up to Friday 😈

Thursday: Yo, today was boring, we didn't have that many lessons today and no one really wanted to talk to us. But we visited someone who we were planning on dropping, we taught her the Restoration, and when we got to the Book of Mormon she was like “Oh, I have one of those. Turns out her fiancée was very close to baptism but got busy with work so it never happened. We definitely think she's got potential now.

Friday: Today was the day, pretty much a marathon. 15 lessons scheduled back to back to back. We picked up Bohlale Zuma, a youth in our ward to tag along with us for the day. And yeah, most of those lessons bunked us, but the 6 lessons we did have were powerful. We committed all of them to come to church, and all but one agreed. We're going up to collect them on Sunday and then walking down to church just to make sure they don't get lost.

Saturday: Not much to write home about, super boring day. But meat pies should be more a thing in America. They're a common gas station food here and they are delicious. If anyone is about to open their own gas station or something like that, sell meat pies. We'll discuss my compensation later

Sunday: Hey guys, we need to start blessing the rains down in Africa, we're dying here. Other than that, an absolutely phenomenal Sunday If I do say so myself. It was Elder Kearl's last day in the field, and I must say he went out with a bang. We had 14 interested people at sacrament meeting today! Add that to Elder Kearl leaving, and we were at the church for like 2 hours after it ended taking pictures and talking. After that we went and visited some members and went to see Brother Khumalo, who was super cool as always. He's definitely going to be a mission president one day, just watch.

That's all for today, everyone have a blessed week!
Imbali District with Ayanda
Elder Magot and I with one of the youth in the area going to lessons
We found a roof that we could climb up on with a lot of water that gathered, took a cool picture. 


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