Week 13-Imbali

Hi guys... so I kinda forgot to keep track of the days as they were happening, so this email may be slightly lacking, but here goes

Monday: Pretty boring P-Day, Elder Dlamini got his hair cut which took like two hours, then we shopped and played Rummikub (I won 😎)

Tuesday: Nothing super interesting

Wednesday: Zone Conference day!!! We had great trainings from our zone leaders, APs, and President and Sister De Cock. One really good think was the importance of member missionary moments. The benefit that comes from members helping out in missionary work, giving them a taste of the joy we spread, is not only helpful to the missionaries, but also the members and the person they're helping. I was also able to talk more with members of the Mission, which is always fun.

Thursday: I decided to take Sister De Kocks advise and drink water throughout the day, it helped somewhat but it was still hot. Other than that nothing much happened. We tracted a less utilized area so no powerful lessons or anything

Friday: We put Princess on date today! It was great to see her spend the time building up her own testimony before making this decision. We're planning to have her ready by January, so we're hard at work.

Saturday: It. Was. Hot. Me and Elder Magot were dying, We easily walked like 5 kilometers (3ish miles for my American friends) up and down hills, just to get bunked. At one point we were taking rests every 10 minutes, and during one rest I was playing with a bolder about the side of a soccer ball, I rolled it over. Come to realize the trajectory is heading towards a nice red sedan… me and Elder Magot had to run to just barely stop it, but it sure got our blood pumping

Sunday: This Sunday was stake conference, which is unfortunate for the investigators since it was about 45 minutes away and they couldn't come, but the talks were really good. They were all about the temple and the blessings of going there. After that we met with the Ngubane family and I think we'll be able to get them on date next week. Overall pretty good day.

Once again, I apologize for the lack of information, will do better next (This) week. Adios!
Me dying from the heat 🥵
Me not dying in the heat
Me and Elder Magot suffering together
Elder Moore and I at Zone Conference


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