Week 12-Imbali

Howsit folks, I hope everyone's doing well. I just realized that this is 3 months out, holy cow time flies by! Let's get right into it
Monday: We couldn't go out to teach in the morning because our car was busted. But for lunch, I attempted to eat a McDonalds share bag. It consists of 1 Big Mac, 1 cheeseburger, 1 chicken burger, 1 spicy chicken burger, 2 regular and small fries, 2 regular and small drinks, and 10 nuggets, all for about 230 rand (12ish bucks). It was, what we in the business call, a mistake. I was able to eat everything but one small fry and a Big Mac. I was also dying. We also went to play golf, which I am moderately better at, and even got to play mini golf, though the course we played on wasn't very big.

Tuesday: Had a really good appointment in the morning with Mandisa, who we think is really interested in our message. We also met with a less active member, tried to help him feel God's love for him even though he drifted away from the covenant path. We know that God loves all his children and wants them to come back to him, especially if they drift away, but some people can often forget that and forget the power of Christ's atonement. The purest act of love was a father sending his son to suffer and die so that we may all be able to return to him. We also watched Mr Bean, which was nice.

Wednesday: We had district council, but they were also fixing our geyser (water heater) and didn't get finished until like 1:45, so all of our appointments ended up being an hour off. Talked with Princess, one of our powerful investigators some more, about priesthood and authority, and we're praying that God will bless her with knowledge of the truth. Fun story, while we were on the way to a lesson with some members, and we see a guy running by. We think "huh, that's weird" and then we hear a gunshot, followed by 2 people running by with guns going after the guy. Just an ordinary Wednesday in Imbali 🤠

Thursday: Sure were a lot of bunks (people missing appointments) today… we had 2 lessons though, and I think both of them went great. One was with this guy named Kruso, I think he's super elect, he is friends with one of the Khumalos (does not narrow it down I know) and is super interested in our message, things are just easy to explain to him, we just need him to come to church. We also met with this mother and daughter this morning. The mother wasn't super interested, but I'm pretty sure the daughter was, she even asked us to bring her a Book of Mormon, to which we are happy to oblige 😎. Other than that though nothing great, we walked 20 minutes up a hill just to get bunked, so I got some fries and we proceeded to walk 20 minutes back down the hill. I also got a beanie for like 80 rand, hand-made and everything. But after I bought it Elder Magot asked what was written on the top of the beanie. It said "Rasta". So I cannot wear it 🤣 

Friday: We were going to see this guy in the morning, who was meeting with the Jehovah's Witnesses on Tuesday. When we stopped by his house his son told us he was busy, so we just left a pamphlet on the restoration and kept going. About 10 minutes later we get a call from that guy, asking us to come back. He said that he read our pamphlet and felt like he needed us to come back because he agreed with everything it said. God truly is a God of miracles! 

Saturday: More people missing their appointments, the only appointment that actually held up was with Nonjabulo, we talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and she even let us know she had stopped drinking! I also got a nice lesson in following spiritual promptings. We were on our way to meet one of our appointments (who bunked us by the way) and we were knocking on doors because we were early. We went up to this one house, and I stopped because I felt like we shouldn't go in. I told Elder Magot, but he insisted it was fine and pressed on. Being his companion, I followed him, though reluctantly. The people there were pretty drunk and I'm guessing high too, and only wanted to pick a fight. It took like 20 minutes but we eventually got out of there, not really gaining anything from the experience. I feel like it was the spirit training me to listen to it's promptings for when things may not end so kindly.

Sunday: We had 8 friends come to church today! After testimony meeting today the branch president came with us to our meeting with one of our friends, and it was great to have him there! His own story and testimony connected with Brother Ngubane better then our testimonies ever have. We also got to have our monthly mission wide devotional, where we got to learn about helping friends feel the spirit as well as learn about a missionary who lost his sight for 16 years, and got it back from his faith in God. Super powerful.
That's all, tune in again next week, same time same channel. Shap!
My "Young Sheldon pose" according to my dad
Me and Elder Magot getting wet.
P-Day golf with Elders Mwingira and Nzaramuroyi


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