Week 4-Africa

This week was the week. Finished off my time at the MTC with a trip to the instant care to check on an issue with my hand and then it was off on a 15 hout plane ride. I'll definitely miss the MTC and the friends I made there, But I'm excited to do the work!

The plane ride was long, to say the least. 17 hours sitting in a metal tube is definitely no laughing matter. I was able to sleep during most of the ride though. The sunrise in Jo-Burg was incredible though. The breakfast served at the hotel we stayed in before flying from Jo-Burg to Durban was delicious, from the eggs to the pineapple. 

South Africa is defilately different. The driving here is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen and I can't wait to be a part of it. They shake hands differently here, and the way you shake depends on the demographic. You also have to make sure both hands are visible when shaking hands or passing someone something. The climate is actually quite similar to that of home except that as I'm writing this it's actually quite chilly. 

I met my two new companions for this transfer, Elder Kearl (My trainer) and Elder Magat. We're serving in a township called Imbali. They seem pretty nice and I look forward to getting to know them better. 

As I'm actually arriving in Durban, the jitters are finally settling in a little bit, and I'm for sure feeling homesick. The people here, while nice, are difficult to understand at the moment. It's a new culture I'm not used to and I find myself missing home. But I trust that the lord will provide a way to overcome the difficulties that come my way and comfort me that I will press forward. Write again next week. 
-Elder RodrigueWall of Cans
Last pic with MTC District :(


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