MTC Week 3

 Hello all!

With a full week at the MTC having passed, I'm amazed by the constant companionship with the spirit while I am here.

I'm growing tired of stairs. My legs hurt. I'm on the top floor of the residence hall, and there's no elevator, so I have to climb. All. Those. Stairs. And my companion had the incredible idea to climb six floors worth of stairs to get to class. Not to mention there are stairs to climb in pretty much every building on campus, plus the stairs to the temple. If I never have to see a set of stairs in South Africa, I'll count myself blessed.

It's incredible to have such close access to a temple, especially one as beautiful as Provo. I'll be sending blessings that Mississippi can get one of its own. It was a special experience to help people be sealed to their families for time and all eternity.

I think it's also important to highlight how much I love my district. Everyone is so supportive and fun and we all just want to help each other succeed. I'm also incredibly grateful for our teachers, Sister Lewendowski and Sister Smith. The connection they have with the spirit and their ability to foster it is something I hope to gain in my time in the field. In class, Sister Lew said she didn't have any notes on my practice teaching and I think that's the proudest I've been of myself so far. With their help and the help of my district, I think I could actually do well spreading the word of God.

One of the biggest things that has been emphasized to me throughout classes and personal study is the emphasis on Jesus Christ in our religion. I can testify that he truly is at the center of everything we do, and it's only through him and his doctrine that we can return to him and our father again. And no other book testifies of Christ and his doctrine better than the Book of Mormon, another Testament of Jesus Christ. I've been able to come to know that the Book of Mormon is the truest form of doctrine on this earth, and I invite everyone to gain their own testimony of the same thing.

In other news, the Lord answered my prayers and I got my Visa! I've got a 20 hour flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg ahead of me on Thursday and I couldn't be more excited/anxious to be on a flight for so long. While I'm there I'll need to make sure to make one last stop at Chick-Fil-A (One final ride 🫡). This time next week I'll be in South Africa spreading the word of God and Christ, and I can't wait.

(Me and Elder Traver, choir companions 😎)


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