
Week 44 - Queens

  Monday: Zone P-Day, and you know what that means… Sportsball again  . It was also Elder Shumways birthday, and the Filipinos thought it would be funny to show him a Filipino tradition of smashing an egg over his head at the end of the happy birthday song, which was devastating. Tuesday: We went and visited a family who has been investigating the church for 5 years, and shes really cool! Her name is Sister Lee and she has 4 kids, it'll be pretty cool if they will be able to progress. We also got our hair snipped, which was nice. Wednesday: DC, lunch (found and epic Italian place in between Chats and Queens). Afterwards, I was feeling quite ill, so we went and rested. We also visited some members, and I lost my pen temporarily to them, which I very much hope I get back… Thursday: we had a pretty productive day today. We met with a less active who wants us to teach her boyfriend, and we are really praying that she can be brought back while we are teaching him. We also went and visit

Week 39 - Queens

  Hello everyone, it's me again, ready for another 6 weeks in the best area in the mission, Queensburgh Monday: Our final Zone P-Day with Elders Lowe, Christiansen, Hall, Mofokeng, and Reverado. We went over to Victoria Street, which is basically a big market to buy South African things, and, you guessed it, sportsball!!!!! After that we got to go home, go back to Mayville, and go home again. Tuesday: We started the Elder Lowe farewell tour, where we go and visit everyone Elder Lowe wants to take pictures with. Today we visited Sianne, and Brother Dave, and we also fed some monkeys Rusks (think really hard cookie in the shape of a rectangular prism) Wednesday: Final district council with Elder Lowe, then we met a member for lunch and visited the Misselhorns, Sister Olivia, and Sister Maria. We also got our transfer news! We found out that Elder Pereira will actually be going home for surgery, Elder Lowe will be going to Molweni, and my new companion will be Elder Heslop, a ZL from

Week 38 - Queens

  Background: 12 Rand = $0.65 USD Monday: Elder Lowe and I took the car from Chats and went to the Mall to play with Legos. It's nice to do child things and let your brain rest. I also had a Cinnabon, which was delightful.  Tuesday: We did garden work for our friend Praise (not Sister Praise but a different Praise) and Elder Lowe pulled up a tree. After that we cleansed ourselves and visited some members to give a lesson to help strengthen their testimonies Wednesday: DC, lunch, had a few lessons in Hillary, and we started an exchange with the ZLs, me spending the day with Elder Cox in Queens. We had one more lesson after that, and ended our day. Thursday: Did exchange with Elder Cox, we went and worked with a lot of members, help them build their testimony. We're doing it with every member to try and help them grow more in the Gospel Friday: Biked a lot today, but its ok. We visited more members, and one of our less active members said she would come to church on Sunday for th

Week 37 - Queens

Monday: We got to go and play Pickleball, which was super fun. Other than that not much though.  Tuesday: Did an exchange with Elder Traver this week, played therapist again, and went to go do interviews with President, but ended up not doing them because he had a meeting come up. Wednesday: Did DC with the ZLs, had a training on integrity which was nice, after that we didn't get district lunch because Chats had a Chapel tour to do. After that we did some finding and found an awesome family with 2 kids. The mom is named Michelle, and she is not super religious but is willing to hear our message. After that we had Ward Council and that is about it. I also got to knock on an actual door which was pretty epic. They didn't answer, so we were walking away, and I heard this, like, knocking on the garage door, Naturally, I went to investigate, and got the little girl on the other side to go get her dad. His name was Dexter, he's also super cool. Thursday: Got different bikes again

Week 36 - Queens

  Monday: We did our weekly planning because we do weekly planning on Mondays now, and then we did Zone P-Day, which of course was sportsball.  Tuesday: We did some finding, got some bike supplies from Elder Lindberg, and then we played therapist for one of our new members. Wednesday: We actually did DC in the afternoon today because Elder Pereira had to go to a doctors appointment this morning. So we did some finding this morning, did DC in the afternoon, then Elder Pereira barbered up mine and Elder Lowes hair.  Thursday: Zone Conference day today! We had some wonderful trainings from the Zone Leaders, APs, and President and Sister De Kock today. We learned about our area documentation, being a better missionary, and being a better teacher. After that we went to see Sister Praise and I started my exchange with Elder Pereira. Friday: Exchange with Elder Pereira! He's an older missionary, 14ish, and he's from Pretoria. He's an awesome missionary and super positive. I got to

Week 35 - Queens

  Monday: Had a super exciting day cleaning the boarding from 9 in the morning to 8 at night… nothing much more exciting then that, just lots and lots of cleaning :) Tuesday: We did a little more cleaning, some finding, and visited 2 friends, Nathan and Abigail. We’ve been meeting with Nathan for a while, a 7th Day Adventist who believes in the Book of Mormon, and Abigail, who is a referral who we met for the first time today. She’s taking a theology class and her professor is having her read the Book of Mormon for her class. She had a lot of questions and was super cool. Wednesday: District council with the APs today, and then we did a split with Elder Fiesta, one of the APs (Assistants to the President). Elder Fiesta is super cool and upbeat, and we got to use the APs' Bakkie today, which was nice. He taught us some about setting multiple goals while finding to make it more fun. Thursday: We went and visited Nickey Nik-Naks, and then we helped set up some for Sister Millicent'

Week 33 - Queens

  Monday: Just a chill P-Day. We went to Berea to get my bag, and chilled at the chapel the rest of the day Tuesday: Exchange with the incredible Elder Traver again! We taught some lessons, lost some keys, and did some finding. Another incredible exchange if I do say so myself Wednesday: District Council in Chatsworth today, which meant we got Tommy's sushi for lunch again. After that we did some door knocking, and then we went to Pick N Pay (Imagine Walmart) and just talked to some people in there. It was super fun, we got to find odd places to put invitations for people to find, and we met a cool lady named Sasha, we're going to visit her church on Thursday and she's going to come to ours on Sunday. Thursday: We Did some finding in Checkers in the morning, and then we went finding. Sadly, our finding was cut short due to me having a little accident… we were going down a hill and I was going quite speedily, and my front tire slipped in some dirt while I was turning and I d