
Week 56 - Molweni

  Monday: We went on a hike in Howick today (it's like the drive to PMB, but double) up a mountain, which was a nice view but definitely a struggle to climb up. We also went to a wholesale store (think Costco but not as nice) as well as South African Walmart, which was hype. Other than that nothing much, driving took up most of the day. Tuesday: Taught lessons, didn't have time to do any finding today, but we did have some light correlation with our new Branch President, which was nice. Wednesday: You know how we have to have one day a week where we get no missionary work done, so that was today. We took our vehicle to Pinetown to get serviced, and we were told it was only gonna take a few hours. So we thought shap, we'll just go to Pinetown's DC and then we can head back over to Molweni. But I say unto you nay. The car got done around 4:00 (we got there at 7) so other than the few lessons we had in the evening, we basically got shafted. Thursday: Had DC for Hillcrest,

Week 55 - Molweni

  Hello Friends, no email last week, but here's the important. Out of the kindness and charity of our hearts, we loaned our car to Imbali for a few days and worked on bikes from Thursday to Sunday. If it were not the christlike thing to do I would say, big mistake. Thing I learned week before last, the place we work in is part of the thousand hills, and it is called that for a reason. Anywho, on to this week Monday: The plan was to drive to PMB early and get the car back, but that did not happen, so we'll be getting it on Wednesday   . But it was a pretty good P-Day. The Hillcrest bishop took us and the Zone Leaders to Durban, got to see the beach (Didn't go on it though because I'm an obedient Missionary   ) as well as a surf shop, got a sticker for my car back home. Then we played some rugby. Tuesday: Bikes. But other than that it was fine. We reviewed the baptismal questions with our friends who are getting baptized this next Sunday, since they're getting intervi

Week 53 - Molweni

Monday: P-Day as always. We played some rugby and got lunch, that’s about all that’s interesting. (The words are the same because the day is the same) Tuesday: We found 3 people today, which is good because in the entirety of last week we only found 4. We taught some people went home, and got myself a anniversary treat for hitting one year   (it was a bar of chocolate) Wednesday: We did a lot of contacting in the morning, had some lessons in the afternoon. Thursday: We had a pretty good DC today, had 1 lesson with a member, and we were early to our next lesson. Striving to be as productive as possible, we thought we would go and check on one of our less active members. We go over and knock, they’re not home. Ok, no problem, lets go to our lesson. Go to car, battery dead. Major shame right. So we call our roadside assistance people, they call someone to jump us and say it will be about 45 minutes (it’s 3:15ish at this point). Ok, no problem, we want to keep being productive, so we decid

Week 52 - 👀👀 Molweni

  Monday: P-Day as always. We played some rugby and got lunch, that’s about all that’s interesting. Tuesday: Pretty good day. I got to dawn my technology helper hat and help get someones missionary portal open, as well as set up someones church account. We also visited some less active members and sang some childrens songs with our primary president, since she is new and doesn’t really know them. Wednesday: Had DC on Wednesday this week, had a pretty lekker time. After that we got some lunch, went and visited some people. We met with one of our less active friends who is pretty cool, but is having a hard time. We’re hoping to be able to help him feel the love of Jesus Christ and know that he has someone to turn to. Thursday: We had a video lesson today, which was meh. After that we helped one of our less actives move somewhere with less bad influences. Friday: We taught a part member family, one of the daughters is getting baptized soon so we’re teaching all the necessary things. Taugh

Week 51 - 👀 Molweni

  Monday: Not a super interesting P-day, Elders Tolley and Banks needed to be delivered to the mission office to go home, Elder Peterson and Elder King went with, leaving the rest of us to just chill at the chapel. Tuesday: We had a pretty decent finding session today, we found two people who could be promising. Other then that nothing new. Wednesday: We did some less active work in the morning which was nice, but the afternoon was pretty disappointing. The thing about townships is that you're a lot more likely to get in the door, but a lot of the doors you get into won't really progress much. It can get frustrating to see people not do the little things to help themselves. Thursday: Had a lekker DC today, even though most of 2 of our missionaries were ageko  . After that we had a few ok lessons and a pretty good lesson with one of the people we found on Tuesday, Tombehle.  Friday: We had a really good lesson with some people we found last week, Phumlele and Zanele, and they ev

Week 50 - Molweni

  Monday: Twas my first P-day in Hillcrest, we went for breakfast and chilled at the chapel most of the day, but that was after I went and did my shopping for a new area. Tuesday: Zone conference day! We had some very good trainings about extending invitations and preparing people for baptism. We learned a lot and are prepared to implement it into our teaching. Wednesday: District council, I gave a training on the christlike attribute of charity, and then we went to lunch. We met with 2 pretty cool people today, Ayanda and Nonkululeko. They're both looking for the right church to join and have been quite open to our conversations. We also met with the Gebashes's, a family that is mostly less active, to help them come back to church. Thursday: We met with a good amount of members today, tried to start getting correlation running correctly here. Actual correlation between the RS and EQ is actually quite essential to missionary work. The Lord intended missionary work to be done be

Week 49 - Que-Molweni??

  Monday: It was supposed to be Zone P-Day, but due to a severe lack of funds we had to cancel it. We did go to the mission office to grab supplies and then went to Pavilion to play bowling though, which was super fun. Tuesday: We went to see Sister Zethu as always, then we went up to Mosely, visited David and gave him a Portuguese copy of the Book of Mormon, and visited Sianne for the first time in forever. It was Robyn’s birthday so we got her a toy gun. We got a call from President though. Due to some missionaries finishing their mission before the end of the transfer, President had to make some adjustments, which involved me leaving Queens and going to Molweni, a township near Hillcrest. Oh, and this is all happening tomorrow. So we made dinner for Mamma one last time and stayed up all night cleaning and packing. Wednesday: We went and got lunch at Capris one last time, I helped Elder Heslop prepare for the Gospel Principles class this Saturday instead of Friday to see if we would