Week 40 - Queens

Monday: Twas the first P-Day with Elder Heslop, but we didn’t really do anything interesting. There’s not really much to do in Queens. Tuesday: We taught someone at Mugg and Bean (fancy coffee place) and they gave us a free muffin! After that we went to the chapel to print some stuff out for a member, and I forgot how to use front brakes, causing me to take another flip off my bike . After that we had some lessons, and then we headed back to the boarding, because Elder Lindberg needed to drop something off. It turns out the think he was dropping off was a car !!! One of the areas is closed for a couple weeks, so we get to have the car until it opens back up. It's a Toyota Urban Cruiser Wednesday: DC, lunch, then we did some finding and had some lessons with members to get Elder Heslop acquainted with everyone. Thursday: A somewhat busy Thursday, we went to some lessons, met with one of our YSA about getting the other YSA to come back to church, and went to a bible stu...