Week 44 - Queens

Monday: Zone P-Day, and you know what that means… Sportsball again . It was also Elder Shumways birthday, and the Filipinos thought it would be funny to show him a Filipino tradition of smashing an egg over his head at the end of the happy birthday song, which was devastating. Tuesday: We went and visited a family who has been investigating the church for 5 years, and shes really cool! Her name is Sister Lee and she has 4 kids, it'll be pretty cool if they will be able to progress. We also got our hair snipped, which was nice. Wednesday: DC, lunch (found and epic Italian place in between Chats and Queens). Afterwards, I was feeling quite ill, so we went and rested. We also visited some members, and I lost my pen temporarily to them, which I very much hope I get back… Thursday: we had a pretty productive day today. We met with a less active who wants us to teach her boyfriend, and we are really praying that she can be brought back while we are teaching him. We also went and ...